Health And Well-Being
Good for you.
As a food manufacturer, we have a very special responsibility towards those who buy our products. What you eat has a direct impact on your health, and for us it is obvious that you should be able to feel confident that our products are not only safe but also that we continuously renew and improve the taste and healthiness of them and our recipes. Our aim is to contribute to your well-being by offering exciting culinary experiences in both everyday life and on special occasions.
We divide our responsibility into two areas:
Quality is a key-word within our entire business. It involves everything you experience, including the things that cannot be seen or heard. For example, the product does not only taste fantastic but it is also a trustworthy product to eat. It is a given that customers can rely on our products.
Cinnamon tested in our laboratory.
Our work with quality starts in the fields where the raw material for our products grow. By working systematically and choosing our suppliers with the utmost care, having a continuous dialogue with them as well as evaluating the co-operations regularly, we can ensure that our raw materials and products meet our high standards when it comes to quality. We make, among other things, regular visits to our suppliers where we investigate their entire system of quality control.
Another important part to our quality work is sampling and analysing. When a shipment with, for example, spices arrives at one of our raw material warehouses the content is always controlled in relation to certain parameters which are dependent on the type of spice. The presence of bacteria is always tested and the batch is always tasted. Besides using our own laboratories, we also employ an accredited laboratory to guarantee objectivity and correct methods of analysis.
After sampling, the shipment is quarantined at our warehouse until the analyses of the tests are done and approved. After which the shipment is ready for production. Any shipment that fails to pass the tests and our standards will be shipped back.
Furthermore, in order to be able to ascertain the best possible hygiene and quality in production, we have had all of our production facilities certified by the BRC, the global standard for product safety procedures on food manufacturing. This means that our facilities are reviewed every year by a BRC controller to ensure that we live up to the demands of the quality standard.